Oh my country so beautiful and lost

Yesterday I recorded a video of myself singing the first tenor part to "Va pensiero" for the Musical Solidarity Project. I'll post again if and when the completed, merged/mastered virtual choir recording is available. In the meantime, if any readers are looking for a way to express our togetherness virtually in musical form, check it out and consider submitting a part-recording yourself. It was a somewhat awkward exercise since I don't usually do at-home self-recordings, but I think it came out well. The quoted line-- "Oh mia Patria si bella e perduta"-- was the most emotionally difficult to sing, as I imagine it must be for many.

On a happier and longer-term note, my "As kingfishers catch fire" has been named a finalist for the 2019-20 American Prize for short choral works. It continues to be one of my favorites and one of my most honored pieces-- do check out the recording on my YouTube channel and consider purchasing the score from my scores page.